ZDST-212 %Salt/Temp Digital Tester (2 in 1)
Range : 0% - 10% ( %Salt ) 0-90°C (32-194 °F)
Resolution: 0.10% or 0.01% 0.1°C / 0.2°F
Accuracy: 0% - 0.9% (± 0.1%); 1.0% - 1.9% (± 0.2%); 2.0% - 2.9% (± 0.3%) 3.0% - 4.9% (± 0.5%); 5.0% - 7.9% (± 1.0-1.5%); 8.0% - 10.0% (± 1.5%-2.0%)
Working Temp: 5 - 45°C (ATC)
Power supply: DC 4 x 1.5V
Calibration: One point 3.5% Salt calibration buffer solution ( 3.5g NaCL/100mL pure water/53 Salinity mS ) Features: Automatic switch-off function: After 8-10 minutes without pushing buttons, the meter will be switched off automatic. Data holding (for 8-10 minutes).