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ZD INSREUMENT Product Catalog 


ZD-1803K Soil Available K Nutrient Tester
ZD-1803K Soil Available K Nutrient Tester  US $ 206
ZD-1803K Soil Available K Nutrient Tester Usage 1. Take off the protective cap from metal probe. 2. Press OFF/ON button. Tester displays 0. 3. quick testing:Water the soil with distilled water before testing. Make sure the water can go 10 cm deep the least. Best humidity is 70%-80%. Insert the met...
ZD-1802P Soil Available N Nutrient Tester
ZD-1802P Soil Available N Nutrient Tester  US $ 206
ZD-1802P Soil Available N Nutrient Tester Usage 1. Take off the protective cap from metal probe. 2. Press OFF/ON button. Tester displays 0. 3. quick testing:Water the soil with distilled water before testing. Make sure the water can go 10 cm deep the least. Best humidity is 70%-80%. Insert the met...
ZD-1801 N Soil Available N Nutrient Tester
ZD-1801 N Soil Available N Nutrient Tester  US $ 206
ZD-1801N Soil Available N Nutrient Tester Usage 1. Take off the protective cap from metal probe. 2. Press OFF/ON button. Tester displays 0. 3. quick testing:Water the soil with distilled water before testing. Make sure the water can go 10 cm deep the least. Best humidity is 70%-80%. Insert the met...
ZD-2000Soil Nutrient Tester (pH,EC,T&H,N,P,K(6 in 1)
ZD-2000Soil Nutrient Tester (pH,EC,T&H,N,P,K(6 in 1)  US $ 1089
ZD-2000 Soil Nutrient Tester (pH,EC,T&H,N,P,K(6 in 1) 1, Digital Soil pH Tester The tester features with innovative nanotechnology metal material sensor, for fastand easy test of pH value of soil, fruit, meat, cheese and other semi-solid media.  Specification Range:pH:   3.0-14.0...
ZD-1812Soil pH,EC(Salinity), Temp&Humi Tester(3 in 1)
ZD-1812Soil pH,EC(Salinity), Temp&Humi Tester(3 in 1)  US $ 480
ZD-1812 Soil pH, EC(Salinity), Temperature & Humidity Tester(3 in 1) 1, Digital Soil pH Tester The tester features with innovative nanotechnology metal material sensor, for fastand easy test of pH value of soil, fruit, meat, cheese and other semi-solid media. Specification Range:pH: 3.0-14.0 ...
ZD-1804Digital Soil Available N-P-K Nutrient Tester
ZD-1804Digital Soil Available N-P-K Nutrient Tester  US $ 609
ZD-1804 Digital Soil Available N-P-K Nutrient Tester Range: 0 - 1999 mg/Kg (mg/l). Resolution: 1 mg/Kg (mg/l). Accuracy: ±2% F.S. Operating Temperature: 5 - 45°C (41 - 1113°F) / ATC. Calibration: One-point ( the factory is calibrated and the user does not need to recalibrate ). Display: LCD w...
ZD-2804Digital Soil Available N-P-K Nutrient Tester(3 in 1)
ZD-2804Digital Soil Available N-P-K Nutrient Tester(3 in 1)  US $ 599
ZD-2804 Digital Soil Available N-P-K Nutrient Tester(3 in 1) Range: 0 - 1999 mg/Kg (mg/l). Resolution: 1 mg/Kg (mg/l). Accuracy: ±2% F.S. Operating Temperature: 5 - 45°C (41 - 1113°F) / ATC. Calibration: One-point ( the factory is calibrated and the user does not need to recalibrate ). Display: LCD...

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