無土栽培營養液檢測Hydroponics Nutrient Tester
土壤速效氮磷鉀檢測 Soil Available N-P-K Tester
土壤pH 、EC、溫濕度檢測 Soil pH、Temperature、Moistur Tester
水質、電導率檢測 TDS-Conductivity Testernnhnn
pH Meter,pH Tester WP
pH Tester-WP












泰州市正大科教儀器設備廠(原姜堰市正大科教儀器設備廠)成立于1998 年。"正大儀器ZD instrument"是泰州市正大科教儀器設備廠完全獨立擁有的自主品牌。

泰州市正大科教儀器設備廠集研發、設計、製造、銷售和服務為一體的江蘇省民營科技企業經過二十多年來的堅持不懈,銳意進取,與時俱進,加強核心技術開發,實現了土壤檢測方法的全面創新。現擁有二自主知識產權 產品是目前國內專業生產土壤速測儀和電化學分析儀器的研製基地之一。

主要產品有:酸碱度計、電導率儀、土壤酸碱度和濕度檢測儀、土壤酸碱度速測儀、土壤溫度&水份檢測儀、土壤鹽分速測儀、土壤速效氮(N)、磷(P)、鉀(K)檢測儀、土壤重金屬速測儀、 土壤微量元素檢測儀、品牌Nutra Wand”水栽培營養檢測儀、挂壁式水栽培營養在線監視器及各類配套的傳感器等,遠銷全球三十多個國家和地區。

檢測為科技之基,亦為發展之尺。電化學分析儀器和土壤檢測儀的 測量為現代農業、環境保護、土壤改良和修復等與人類生活息息相關的科學發展,奠定了堅實的基礎。秉持“質量、誠信、服務”是企業的核心價值觀。堅守初心,專注品質,堅持追求,一步一腳印,持之以恆,厚積薄發,筑夢中國製造,為在世界的科技舞臺一展中國製造的實力。

ZD Instrument(Taizhou Zhengda Science and Education Equipment Factory) was established in 1998.ZD Instrument" is a completely independent brand owned by Taizhou Zhengda Science and Education Instrument Equipment Factory.

ZD InstrumentTaizhou Zhengda Science and education Equipment factory) is a private science and technology enterprise in Jiangsu Province integrating research and development, design, manufacturing, sales and service. After more than 20 years of perseverance, forge ahead, keep pace with The Times, strengthen the development of core technology, and realize the comprehensive innovation of soil testing methods. Now it has more than 20 independent intellectual property patented products, and is also one of the research bases specializing in the production of soil tachometer and electrochemical analysis instruments in China.

The main products are: Ph meter, conductivity meter, soil pH and humidity detector, soil pH quick meter, soil temperature & moisture detector, soil salinity quick meter, soil available nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) detector, soil heavy metal quick meter, soil trace element detector, brand "Nutra. Wand "hydroculture nutrition detector, wall-mounted hydroculture nutrition online monitor and all kinds of supporting sensors are exported to more than 30 countries and regions around the world.

Testing is the basis of science and technology and the ruler of development. The accurate measurement of electrochemical analysis instruments and soil detectors has laid a solid foundation for the scientific development of modern agriculture, environmental protection, soil improvement and restoration, which is closely related to human life. Upholding "quality, integrity, service" is the core value of the enterprise. Adhere to the original heart, focus on quality, adhere to the pursuit, step by step, persevere, accumulate, build the dream of made in China, to show the strength of made in China in the world's science and technology stage.  www.zdinstruments.com   www.zdinstrument.com







  • 泰州市正大科教儀器設備廠
  • 中國江蘇泰州市姜堰區羅塘路88號樓
  • 225500
  • 86-523-88299158
  • 86-523-88299156
  • 顧亭華 (總經理)
  • 86-189-05268286
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